- slog
- 1. наносить крепкие удары; сильно бить, ударять (как в боксе, крикете и т.п.);2. еле-еле ходить, тяжело шагать, тащиться; 3. усиленно трудиться, работать; 4. период тяжелой работы
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
Slog — refers to a type of shot in many forms of cricket where the batsmen attempts to hit the ball as far as possible with the aim to hit a 6 or at the least a 4. It is an extremely dangerous shot to play since the ball is almost certainly going to be… … Wikipedia
slog — s. v. hat, hotar, răzor. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime slog ( guri), s.n. – (Olt., Banat) Piatră, stîlp de hotar. sb. slog (Candrea), sl. slogŭ (Conev 42). Trimis de blaurb, 24.12.2008. Sursa: DER … Dicționar Român
Slog — (sl[o^]g), v. t. & i. [Cf. {Slug}, v. t.] To hit hard, esp. with little attention to aim or the like, as in cricket or boxing; to slug. [Cant or Slang] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Slog — (sl[o^]g), v. i. 1. to walk heavily; to plod; to walk through resisting terrain, as in mud. [PJC] 2. To work steadily and ploddingly; to toil. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
slog — slȍg m <N mn slògovi> DEFINICIJA 1. tisk. a. tekst ručno ili strojno priređen za tisak b. veličina i vrsta tiskarskih slova 2. glas ili skup glasova koji se osjeća kao izgovorna cjelina unutar jedne riječi; najmanja ritmička jedinica… … Hrvatski jezični portal
slog — ► VERB (slogged, slogging) 1) work hard over a period of time. 2) walk or move with difficulty or effort. 3) hit or strike forcefully. 4) (slog it out) fight or compete fiercely. ► NOUN … English terms dictionary
slog — slog1 [släg] vt., vi. slogged, slogging [var. of SLUG4] to hit hard; slug slogger n. slog2 [släg] vt., vi. slogged, slogging [ME sluggen: see SLUGGARD] … English World dictionary
slog — 1824, hit hard, probably variant of SLUG (Cf. slug) (3) to strike. Sense of walk doggedly first recorded 1872. Related: Slogged; slogging. Noun sense of hard work is from 1888 … Etymology dictionary
slog — *strike, hit, smite, punch, slug, swat, clout, slap, cuff, box … New Dictionary of Synonyms
slog — [v] plod bear down*, buckle down*, drag, drudge, flounder, grind, labor, lumber*, plough through*, plug, schlepp*, slave, stomp, sweat*, toil, tramp, trample, trudge; concepts 87,151 … New thesaurus
slog — vb., præt. af slå, II … Dansk ordbog